What to Do During a Plumbing Emergency

Posted October 2, 2014

Plumbing emergencies can range from leaking pipes and clogged drains to a faucets that won't shut off and leaking water heaters. It's important that everyone in the household knows the location of the shutoff valve for every plumbing fixture and appliance, as well as the home's main shutoff valve.

Water Shutoff Valves

If a specific plumbing fixture or appliance is leaking or malfunctioning, first look for its shutoff valve and turn it clockwise to turn off the water supply just to the affected system. The shutoff valve is usually located underneath the toilet or sink. Clothes washers will have two shutoff valves, one each for hot and cold water, often located behind the appliance If the problem is not with a specific fixture or appliance, or you cannot locate the shutoff valve, locate the main shutoff valve to turn off the water to the entire house. The main shutoff valve will be on the inside where the main water supply pipe enters the house. Turn the valve clockwise to shut it off. If the valve is difficult to turn, keep a wrench near the valve for emergencies.

Need Expert Plumbing Services?

Do you have more questions about plumbing in or around Chicago? If so, call 888 868-6667. Live in Florida? Call our experienced plumbers at 813 452-5952. We are always ready to give you the answers you need to enjoy the comfort you deserve!

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