The ABC's of Plumbing - Vent Pipes

Posted February 5, 2015

In order for wastewater to exit the home air must be able to fill the vacuum left behind by the escaping water. A vent pipe serves this purpose by extending from drainpipes out through the roof of the house. All plumbing fixtures must be connected to the main vent pipe through a vent pipe that spans across to the main vent stack that exits through the roof. In some cases, usually with basement plumbing, the vent may exit out of a side wall if allowed by local building codes.

Vent Stack Obstructions

If you hear gurgling sounds when you flush a toilet or turn on a faucet the vent pipe may be obstructed and in need of clearing. It could also be a sign that the plumbing system is not designed properly and needs a new vent line. Another symptom of obstructed or insufficient venting is plumbing odors, as vent pipes also allow fumes to exit through the airway behind the draining water. In either case, a plumber should inspect the vent pipes to ensure they are working properly.

Need Expert Plumbing Services?

Do you have more questions about plumbing in or around Chicago? If so, call 888 868-6667. Live in Florida? Call our experienced plumbers at 813 452-5952. We are always ready to give you the answers you need to enjoy the comfort you deserve!!

 Also check: The ABC's of Plumbing: Video Sewer Line Inspection

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