Where is the Most Water Wasted in the Home? You May Be Surprised

Posted April 21, 2015

When we think of home water use, the washing machine is usually considered the biggest water-using device. However, it's not used nearly as often in most homes as showers and sink faucets, which actually account for the most water use during a typical month. 

What wastes the most water around the home? One of the top causes of water waste is not even intentional, and it's water leaks. Even a small water leak can waste more that 150 gallons of water per day, that's equal to more than three showers! But by far, the biggest waste of water happens outside the home. Excessive lawn watering wastes an average of 600 gallons of water for every hour of over-watering.

Here are the water usage rates in a typical home

  • Toilet Flush: 2 to 6 gallons per flush
  • Dishwasher: 20 gallons per run
  • Small Leak: 170 gallons per day
  • Shower: 30 to 50 gallons per shower
  • Washing Machine: 40 gallons per load
  • Large Leak: 1000 gallons per day
  • Sink Faucet: 3 gallons per minute
  • Lawn Sprinkling: 600 gallons per hour

Need help fixing those water-wasting leaks around the home? Call ABC! We'll put an end to those water-wasting leaks.

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