The ABCs of Plumbing - Shutoff Valves

Posted November 3, 2015

While every home is required to have a shutoff valve inside to turn off water when plumbing work is being performed or in the case of an emergency, the location can vary. Knowing where your shutoff valve is important, so here is how to locate the valve.

Basement Shutoff Valve

Basement shut-off valves are usually located near the front foundation wall. The main water supply will come through the concrete floor or the wall. The valve is typically within 3-5 feet of where the main water enters. In other cases, the main water may enter somewhere else, like a ulitiy room, up through the floor, or near the water heater.

Crawl-space and a Basement

The shut-off valve may be where the water enters the basement or in some older homes, the shut-off may be inside the crawl space.

Crawl-space with no basement

The shut off valve will usually be located near the water heater or under the kitchen sink, but may be in another location. It may be inside the crawl-space; in which case, you may want to consider a secondary valve located up in the living space (near the water heater or under a sink).

Slab-on-grade construction

The shut-off valve will typically be located near the water heater or under the kitchen sink.

Need Expert Plumbing Services?

Do you have more questions about plumbing in or around Chicago? If so, call 888 868-6667. Live in Florida? Call our experienced plumbers at 813 452-5952. We are always ready to give you the answers you need to enjoy the comfort you deserve!

 Also check: The ABC's of Plumbing: Vent Pipes

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