Why You Should You Have Polybutylene Pipes Replaced

Posted March 28, 2016

Polybutylene was a plastic plumbing pipe material manufactured between 1978 and 1995 that was installed in up to 10 million homes in the U.S.. It was a low cost material that was seen as having advantages over other plumbing materials like copper. It was flexible, easy of install, and resistant to freezing.

However, despite its advantages, by 1996 polybutylene pipes were failing and causing damage. Studies in in papers published by the University of Illinois at Chicago demonstrated that certain household chemicals were reacting with the polybutylene and causing it to disintegrate, eventually causing failure. Lawsuits against polybutylene manufacturers were successful and resulted in over $1 billion in settlements with affected homeowners.

If your home still uses polybutylene piping, it should be replaced with more reliable materials like copper or PVC.

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