What Temperature Should You Set Your Air Conditioner to When Leaving On Vacation?

Posted July 19, 2016

While it sounds like a simple question, setting your thermostat too high when you leave for summer vacation could actually end up costing you nothing. If the house is allowed to get too hot, the air conditioner will have to work overtime when you return to restore the temperature to a comfortable range, negating much of the energy savings. Turning the temperature up too high can also cause problems with excess humidity, which can damage furnishings and cause mold and mildew to grow.

So, what is the best temperature? We recommend setting it 4-5 degrees higher than the normal setting to save energy and keep your house safe from excess heat and humidity. If you normally set your temperature to 72, turn it up to a maximum of 77 degrees.

Have questions about your air conditioner? Call ABC. We're here to help.

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